sentarse con las piernas cruzadas

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sentarse con las piernas cruzadas
sit on the ground with crossed legs
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Phonetic: "/sɪt/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Subsidence of the roof of a coal mine.

Definition: An event, usually lasting one full day or more, where the primary goal is to sit in meditation.

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Phonetic: "/sɪt/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: (of a person) To be in a position in which the upper body is upright and supported by the buttocks.

Example: After a long day of walking, it was good just to sit and relax.

Definition: (of a person) To move oneself into such a position.

Example: I asked him to sit.

Definition: (of an object) To occupy a given position permanently.

Example: The temple has sat atop that hill for centuries.

Definition: To remain in a state of repose; to rest; to abide; to rest in any position or condition.

Definition: To be a member of a deliberative body.

Example: I currently sit on a standards committee.

Definition: Of a legislative or, especially, a judicial body such as a court, to be in session.

Example: In what city is the circuit court sitting for this session.

Definition: To lie, rest, or bear; to press or weigh.

Definition: To be adjusted; to fit.

Example: Your new coat sits well.

Definition: (of an agreement or arrangement) To be accepted or acceptable; to work.

Example: How will this new contract sit with the workers?

Definition: (causative) To cause to be seated or in a sitting posture; to furnish a seat to.

Example: Sit him in front of the TV and he might watch for hours.

Definition: To accommodate in seats; to seat.

Example: The dining room table sits eight comfortably.

Definition: To babysit.

Example: I need to find someone to sit my kids on Friday evening for four hours.

Definition: To take, to undergo or complete (an examination or test).

Definition: To cover and warm eggs for hatching, as a fowl; to brood; to incubate.

Definition: To take a position for the purpose of having some artistic representation of oneself made, such as a picture or a bust.

Example: I'm sitting for a painter this evening.

Definition: To have position, as at the point blown from; to hold a relative position; to have direction.

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Phonetic: "/ɒn/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To switch on

Example: Can you on the light?

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Phonetic: "/ɒn/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: In the state of being active, functioning or operating.

Example: All the lights are on, so they must be home.

Definition: Performing according to schedule; taking place.

Example: Are we still on for tonight?

Definition: Fitted; covering; being worn.

Example: I was trying to drink out of the bottle while the top was still on!

Definition: (usually negative) Acceptable, appropriate.

Example: You can't do that; it's just not on.

Definition: Destined, normally in the context of a challenge being accepted; involved, doomed.

Example: "Five bucks says the Cavs win tonight." ―"You're on!"

Definition: Having reached a base as a runner and being positioned there, awaiting further action from a subsequent batter.

Definition: Within the half of the field on the same side as the batsman's legs; the left side for a right-handed batsman.

Example: Ponsonby-Smythe hit a thumping on drive.

Definition: Menstruating.

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Phonetic: "/ɒn/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: To an operating state.

Example: turn the television on

Definition: So as to cover or be fitted.

Example: Put on your hat and gloves.

Definition: Along, forwards (continuing an action).

Example: drive on, rock on

Definition: In continuation, at length.

Example: He rambled on and on.

Definition: (obsolete in the US) Later.

Example: Ten years on, nothing had changed in the village.

Definition: Of betting odds, denoting a better-than-even chance. See also odds-on.

Example: That horse is twenty-to-one on, so you need to stake twenty pounds just to win one pound.

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Phonetic: "/ɒn/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Positioned at the upper surface of, touching from above.

Example: A vase of flowers stood on the table.

Definition: Positioned at or resting against the outer surface of; attached to.

Example: He had a scar on the side of his face.

Definition: Expressing figurative placement or attachment.

Example: All of the responsibility is on him.

Definition: Denoting performance or action by contact with the surface, upper part, or outside of anything; hence, by means of; with.

Example: to play on a violin or piano

Definition: At or in (a certain region or location).

Example: The lighthouse that you can see is on the mainland.

Definition: Near; adjacent to; alongside.

Example: Croton-on-Hudson, Rostov-on-Don, Southend-on-Sea

Definition: Supported by (the specified part of itself).

Example: A table can't stand on two legs.

Definition: So as to impart force to.

Example: tug on the rope; push hard on the door

Definition: So as to impact; against.

Example: I stubbed my toe on an old tree stump.

Definition: Covering.

Example: He wore old shoes on his feet.

Definition: (with certain modes of transport, especially public transport) Inside (a vehicle) for the purpose of travelling.

Example: on a bus, on a train, on a plane

Definition: At the date of.

Example: Born on the 4th of July.

Definition: Some time during the day of.

Example: Can I see you on a different day?

Definition: At a given time after the start of something; at.

Example: Smith scored again on twelve minutes, doubling Mudchester Rovers' lead.

Definition: Dealing with the subject of; about; concerning.

Example: I have no opinion on this subject.

Definition: In the possession of.

Example: I haven't got any money on me.

Definition: Because of, or due to.

Example: to arrest someone on suspicion of bribery

Definition: Upon; at the time of (and often because of).

Example: On Jack's entry, William got up to leave.

Definition: Paid for by.

Example: I paid for the airfare and meals for my family, but the hotel room was on the company.

Definition: Indicating a means or medium.

Example: Can't you see I'm on the phone?

Definition: Indicating the target of, or thing affected by, an event or action.

Example: Her words made a lasting impression on my mind.

Definition: Toward; for; indicating the object of an emotion.

Example: Have pity or compassion on him.

Definition: Indicating a means of subsistence.

Example: The dog survived three weeks on rainwater.

Definition: Away or occupied with (e.g. a scheduled activity).

Example: He's on his lunch break.

Definition: Regularly taking (a drug).

Example: He's acting so strangely, I think he must be on something.

Definition: Under the influence of (a drug).

Example: He's acting crazy because he's on crack right now.

Definition: Having identical domain and codomain.

Example: a function on

Definition: Having V^n as domain and V as codomain, for some set V and integer n.

Example: an operator on

Definition: Generated by.

Example: the free group on four letters

Definition: In addition to; besides; indicating multiplication or succession in a series.

Example: heaps on heaps of food

Definition: Of

Definition: Indicating dependence or reliance; with confidence in.

Example: He will promise on certain conditions.

Definition: At the peril of, or for the safety of.

Definition: In the service of; connected with; of the number of.

Example: He is on a newspaper; I am on the committee.

Definition: By virtue of; with the pledge of.

Example: He affirmed or promised on his word, or on his honour.

Definition: To the account or detriment of; denoting imprecation or invocation, or coming to, falling, or resting upon.

Example: A curse on him!

Definition: (especially when numbers of combatants or competitors are specified) Against; in opposition to.

Example: The fight was three on one, and he never stood a chance.

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Phonetic: "/ði/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: With a comparative or with more and a verb phrase, establishes a correlation with one or more other such comparatives.

Example: It looks weaker and weaker, the more I think about it.

Definition: With a comparative, and often with for it, indicates a result more like said comparative. This can be negated with none. See none the.

Example: I'm much the wiser for having had a difficult time like that.

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Phonetic: "/ɡɹaʊnd/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The surface of the Earth, as opposed to the sky or water or underground.

Example: Look, I found a ten dollar bill on the ground!

Definition: Terrain.

Definition: Soil, earth.

Example: The fox escaped from the hounds by going to ground.

Definition: The bottom of a body of water.

Definition: Basis, foundation, groundwork, legwork.

Definition: (chiefly in the plural) Reason, (epistemic) justification, cause.

Example: He could not come on grounds of health, or on health grounds.

Definition: Background, context, framework, surroundings.

Definition: The area on which a battle is fought, particularly as referring to the area occupied by one side or the other. Often, according to the eventualities, "to give ground" or "to gain ground".

Definition: (by extension) Advantage given or gained in any contest; e.g. in football, chess, debate or academic discourse.

Definition: The plain surface upon which the figures of an artistic composition are set.

Example: crimson flowers on a white ground

Definition: In sculpture, a flat surface upon which figures are raised in relief.

Definition: In point lace, the net of small meshes upon which the embroidered pattern is applied.

Example: Brussels ground

Definition: In etching, a gummy substance spread over the surface of a metal to be etched, to prevent the acid from eating except where an opening is made by the needle.

Definition: (chiefly in the plural) One of the pieces of wood, flush with the plastering, to which mouldings etc. are attached.

Example: Grounds are usually put up first and the plastering floated flush with them.

Definition: A soccer stadium.

Example: Manchester United's ground is known as Old Trafford.

Definition: An electrical conductor connected to the earth, or a large conductor whose electrical potential is taken as zero (such as a steel chassis).

Definition: The area of grass on which a match is played (a cricket field); the entire arena in which it is played; the part of the field behind a batsman's popping crease where he can not be run out (hence to make one's ground).

Definition: A composition in which the bass, consisting of a few bars of independent notes, is continually repeated to a varying melody.

Definition: The tune on which descants are raised; the plain song.

Definition: The pit of a theatre.

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Phonetic: "/ɡɹaʊnd/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To connect (an electrical conductor or device) to a ground.

Definition: To punish, especially a child or teenager, by forcing him/her to stay at home and/or give up certain privileges.

Example: Eric, you are grounded until further notice for lying to us about where you were last night!

Definition: To forbid (an aircraft or pilot) to fly.

Example: Because of the bad weather, all flights were grounded.

Definition: To give a basic education in a particular subject; to instruct in elements or first principles.

Example: Jim was grounded in maths.

Definition: To hit a ground ball. Compare fly (verb(regular)) and line (verb).

Definition: To place something on the ground.

Definition: To run aground; to strike the bottom and remain fixed.

Example: The ship grounded on the bar.

Definition: To found; to fix or set, as on a foundation, reason, or principle; to furnish a ground for; to fix firmly.

Definition: To cover with a ground, as a copper plate for etching, or as paper or other materials with a uniform tint as a preparation for ornament.

Definition: To improve or focus the mental or emotional state of.

Example: I ground myself with meditation.

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Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: Along, together with others, in a group, etc.

Example: Do you want to come with?

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Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Against.

Example: He picked a fight with the class bully.

Definition: In the company of; alongside, close to; near to.

Example: He went with his friends.

Definition: In addition to; as an accessory to.

Example: She owns a motorcycle with a sidecar.

Definition: Used to indicate simultaneous happening, or immediate succession or consequence.

Example: Jim was listening to Bach with his eyes closed.

Definition: In support of.

Example: We are with you all the way.

Definition: In regard to.

Example: He was pleased with the outcome.

Definition: To denote the accomplishment of cause, means, instrument, etc; – sometimes equivalent to by.

Example: slain with robbers

Definition: Using as an instrument; by means of.

Example: Find what you want instantly with our search engine.

Definition: Using as nourishment; more recently replaced by on.

Definition: Having, owning.

Example: It was small and bumpy, with a tinge of orange.

Definition: Affected by (a certain emotion or condition).

Example: He spoke with sadness in his voice.

Definition: Prompted by (a certain emotion).

Example: green with envy; flushed with success

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Phonetic: "/kɹɑst/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To make or form a cross.

Definition: To move relatively.

Definition: (social) To oppose.

Definition: To cross-fertilize or crossbreed.

Example: They managed to cross a sheep with a goat.

Definition: To stamp or mark (a cheque) in such a way as to prevent it being cashed, thus requiring it to be deposited into a bank account.

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Phonetic: "/kɹɑst/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Marked by a line drawn crosswise, often denoting cancellation.

Definition: Folded.

Example: crossed legs

Definition: Cruciate.

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Phonetic: "/lɛɡz/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A limb or appendage that an animal uses for support or locomotion.

Example: {{ux|en|Insects have six legs.}

Definition: In humans, the lower limb extending from the groin to the ankle.

Example: Dan won't be able to come to the party, since he broke his leg last week and is now on crutches.

Definition: The portion of the lower limb of a human that extends from the knee to the ankle.

Definition: A part of garment, such as a pair of trousers/pants, that covers a leg.

Example: The left leg of these jeans has a tear.

Definition: A rod-like protrusion from an inanimate object, supporting it from underneath.

Example: the legs of a chair or table

Definition: Something that supports.

Example: This observation is an important leg of my argument.

Definition: A stage of a journey, race etc.

Example: After six days, we're finally in the last leg of our cross-country trip.

Definition: A distance that a sailing vessel does without changing the sails from one side to the other.

Definition: One side of a multiple-sided (often triangular) course in a sailing race.

Definition: A single game or match played in a tournament or other sporting contest.

Definition: One of the two sides of a right triangle that is not the hypotenuse.

Definition: One of the branches of a hyperbola or other curve which extend outward indefinitely.

Definition: (usually used in plural) The ability of something to persist or succeed over a long period of time.

Example: This proposal has no legs. Almost everyone opposes it.

Definition: A disreputable sporting character; a blackleg.

Definition: An extension of a steam boiler downward, in the form of a narrow space between vertical plates, sometimes nearly surrounding the furnace and ash pit, and serving to support the boiler; called also water leg.

Definition: In a grain elevator, the case containing the lower part of the belt which carries the buckets.

Definition: Denotes the half of the field on the same side as the batsman's legs; the left side for a right-handed batsman.

Example: Ponsonby-Smythe hit a thumping drive through the leg fielders.

Definition: A branch or lateral circuit connecting an instrument with the main line.

Definition: A branch circuit; one phase of a polyphase system.

Definition: An underlying instrument of a derivatives strategy.

Definition: An army soldier assigned to a paratrooper unit who has not yet been qualified as a paratrooper.

Definition: A gesture of submission; a bow or curtsey. Chiefly in phrase make a leg.

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Phonetic: "/lɛɡz/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To remove the legs from an animal carcass.

Definition: To build legs onto a platform or stage for support.

Definition: To put a series of three or more options strikes into the stock market.

Definition: To apply force using the leg (as in 'to leg a horse').

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