yabancı dil ağırlıklı lise

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yabancı dil ağırlıklı lise
foreign language intensive high school
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Phonetic: "/ˈfɒɹən/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A foreign person, particularly:

Definition: A foreign ship.

Definition: Clipping of chamber foreign: an outhouse.

Definition: A foreign area, particularly:

Definition: Short for various phrases, including foreign language, foreign parts, and foreign service.

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Phonetic: "/ˈfɒɹən/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Located outside a country or place, especially one's own.

Example: He liked visiting foreign cities.

Definition: Originating from, characteristic of, belonging to, or being a citizen of a country or place other than the one under discussion.

Example: There are many more foreign students in Europe since the Erasmus scheme started.

Definition: Relating to a different nation.

Example: foreign policy; foreign navies

Definition: Not characteristic of or naturally taken in by an organism or system.

Example: foreign body; foreign substance; foreign gene; foreign species

Definition: (with to, formerly with from) Alien; strange.

Example: It was completely foreign to their way of thinking.

Definition: Held at a distance; excluded; exiled.

Definition: From a different one of the states of the United States, as of a state of residence or incorporation.

Definition: Belonging to a different organization, company etc.

Example: My bank charges me $2.50 every time I use a foreign ATM.

Definition: Outside, outdoors, outdoor.

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Phonetic: "[ˈleɪŋɡwɪd͡ʒ]"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A body of words, and set of methods of combining them (called a grammar), understood by a community and used as a form of communication.

Example: Deaf and mute people communicate using languages like ASL.

Definition: The ability to communicate using words.

Example: the gift of language

Definition: A sublanguage: the slang of a particular community or jargon of a particular specialist field.

Example: legal language;   the language of chemistry

Definition: The expression of thought (the communication of meaning) in a specified way; that which communicates something, as language does.

Example: body language;   the language of the eyes

Definition: A body of sounds, signs and/or signals by which animals communicate, and by which plants are sometimes also thought to communicate.

Definition: A computer language; a machine language.

Definition: Manner of expression.

Definition: The particular words used in a speech or a passage of text.

Example: The language he used to talk to me was obscene.

Definition: Profanity.

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Phonetic: "[ˈleɪŋɡwɪd͡ʒ]"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To communicate by language; to express in language.

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Phonetic: "/ɪnˈtɛnsɪv/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Form of a word with a stronger or more forceful sense than the root on which the intensive is built.

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Phonetic: "/ɪnˈtɛnsɪv/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Thorough; to a great degree; with intensity.

Definition: Demanding; requiring a great amount of work etc.

Example: This job is difficult because it is so labour-intensive.

Definition: Highly concentrated.

Example: I took a three-day intensive course in finance.

Definition: Stretched; allowing intension, or increase of degree; that can be intensified.

Definition: Characterized by persistence; intent; assiduous.

Definition: (grammar) Serving to give force or emphasis.

Example: an intensive verb or preposition

Definition: Related to the need to manage life-threatening conditions by means of sophisticated life support and monitoring.

Example: She was moved to the intensive-care unit of the hospital.

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Phonetic: "/haɪ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A high point or position, literally or figuratively; an elevated place; a superior region; a height; the sky; heaven.

Definition: A point of success or achievement; a time when things are at their best.

Example: It was one of the highs of his career.

Definition: A period of euphoria, from excitement or from an intake of drugs.

Example: That pill gave me a high for a few hours, before I had a comedown.

Definition: A drug that gives such a high.

Definition: A large area of elevated atmospheric pressure; an anticyclone.

Example: A large high is centred on the Azores.

Definition: The maximum value attained by some quantity within a specified period.

Example: Inflation reached a ten-year high.

Definition: The maximum atmospheric temperature recorded at a particular location, especially during one 24-hour period.

Example: Today's high was 32°C.

Definition: The highest card dealt or drawn.

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Phonetic: "/haɪ/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To rise.

Example: The sun higheth.

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Phonetic: "/haɪ/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Very elevated; extending or being far above a base; tall; lofty.

Example: The balloon rose high in the sky.   The wall was high.   a high mountain

Definition: Relatively elevated; rising or raised above the average or normal level from which elevation is measured.

Definition: Having a specified elevation or height; tall.

Example: three feet high   three Mount Everests high

Definition: Elevated in status, esteem, prestige; exalted in rank, station, or character.

Example: The oldest of the elves' royal family still conversed in High Elvish.

Definition: Of great importance and consequence: grave (if negative) or solemn (if positive).

Example: high crimes, the high festival of the sun

Definition: Consummate; advanced (e.g. in development) to the utmost extent or culmination, or possessing a quality in its supreme degree, at its zenith.

Example: high (i.e. intense) heat; high (i.e. full or quite) noon; high (i.e. rich or spicy) seasoning; high (i.e. complete) pleasure; high (i.e. deep or vivid) colour; high (i.e. extensive, thorough) scholarship; high tide; high [tourism] season; the High Middle Ages

Definition: (in several set phrases) Remote in distance or time.

Example: high latitude, high antiquity

Definition: (in several set phrases) Very traditionalist and conservative, especially in favoring older ways of doing things; see e.g. high church, High Tory.

Definition: Elevated in mood; marked by great merriment, excitement, etc.

Example: in high spirits

Definition: (of a lifestyle) Luxurious; rich.

Example: high living, the high life

Definition: Lofty, often to the point of arrogant, haughty, boastful, proud.

Example: a high tone

Definition: (with "on" or "about") Keen, enthused.

Definition: (of a body of water) With tall waves.

Definition: Large, great (in amount or quantity, value, force, energy, etc).

Example: My bank charges me a high interest rate.   I was running a high temperature and had high cholesterol.   high voltage   high prices   high winds   a high number

Definition: (acoustics) Acute or shrill in pitch, due to being of greater frequency, i.e. produced by more rapid vibrations (wave oscillations).

Example: The note was too high for her to sing.

Definition: Made with some part of the tongue positioned high in the mouth, relatively close to the palate.

Definition: Greater in value than other cards, denominations, suits, etc.

Definition: (of meat, especially venison) Strong-scented; slightly tainted/spoiled; beginning to decompose.

Example: Epicures do not cook game before it is high.

Definition: Intoxicated; under the influence of a mood-altering drug, formerly usually alcohol, but now (from the mid-20th century) usually not alcohol but rather marijuana, cocaine, heroin, etc.

Definition: (of a sailing ship) Near, in its direction of travel, to the (direction of the) wind.

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Phonetic: "/haɪ/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: In or to an elevated position.

Example: How high above land did you fly?

Definition: In or at a great value.

Example: Costs have grown higher this year again.

Definition: At a pitch of great frequency.

Example: I certainly can't sing that high.

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Phonetic: "/skuːl/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: (collective) A group of fish or a group of marine mammals such as porpoises, dolphins, or whales.

Example: The divers encountered a huge school of mackerel.

Definition: A multitude.

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Phonetic: "/skuːl/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: (of fish) To form into, or travel in a school.

En İyi Tur-Eng Çevirmen

Belki tercümanlık mesleğinde ustalaşmak istersiniz? Sitemizle eğitiminiz hızlı ve kolay olacak! Çevirmenler çeviri yaparken çeşitli becerilere ve materyallere ihtiyaç duyarlar. Çevirmenlerin genel özellikleri çevrilecek olan erek dile ve kaynak dile çok iyi hakim olmak, okuduklarını ve duyduklarını iyi anlamak ve iyi bir hafızaya sahip olmaktır. Fonetik, gramer ve cümlelerdeki kelime örnekleriyle birlikte kapsamlı bir kelime, deyim ve ifade kitaplığına sahip çevirmenimiz ilk kez kullanışlı bir materyal olarak kullanılabilir.

Çeviri yazılımımızı diğer makine çevirmenlerinden farklı kılmak için çok yol kat ettik. Türkçe - İngilizce çevirmenimiz orijinal metnin anlamını ve cümlenin ana fikrini asıl amaçlandığı gibi korumak için tasarlanmıştır. Çevirmenimiz olabildiğince insandır. Ürünümüz en iyi gizliliği sağlar. Verilerinizi izlemiyor, satmıyor veya saklamıyoruz. Çevirileriniz size aittir. Transferler için kayıt ve ödeme gerekli değildir!Çevirilerinizi daha da iyi hale getirmek için özel olarak tasarlanmış arayüzümüzün yeni özelliklerine göz atın. Doğal olarak, hizmetimiz ücretsiz kalır ve ayrıca bir uygulama olarak da mevcuttur. Tüm özellikler, çeşitli ortak dillerin kombinasyonları için yerel olarak mevcuttur. Diğer özellikler ve dil kombinasyonları aşağıdadır. Hangi dile çeviri yaparsanız yapın, ortaya çıkan metin çevrimiçi sözlüğümüze bağlanır. Anlamları ve diğer cümlelerdeki kullanımları hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek istiyorsanız, çıktı metin kutusundaki tek tek kelimeler ayrıntılı olarak analiz edilir. Her şey tamamen ayrıntılı ve gerekirse test edilmiştir!