günlük raporlar

Kullanım örnekleri

günlük raporlar
day reports
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Phonetic: "/deɪ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Any period of 24 hours.

Example: I've been here for two days and a bit.

Definition: A period from midnight to the following midnight.

Example: The day begins at midnight.

Definition: Rotational period of a planet (especially Earth).

Example: A day on Mars is slightly over 24 hours.

Definition: The part of a day period which one spends at one’s job, school, etc.

Example: I worked two days last week.

Definition: Part of a day period between sunrise and sunset where one enjoys daylight; daytime.

Example: day and night;  I work at night and sleep during the day.

Definition: A specified time or period; time, considered with reference to the existence or prominence of a person or thing; age; time.

Example: Every dog has its day.

Definition: A period of contention of a day or less.

Example: The day belonged to the Allies.

Definition: A 24-hour period beginning at 6am or sunrise.

Example: Your 8am forecast: The high for the day will be 30 and the low, before dawn, will be 10.

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Phonetic: "/deɪ/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To spend a day (in a place).

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Phonetic: "/ɹɪˈpɔːts/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A piece of information describing, or an account of certain events given or presented to someone, with the most common adpositions being by (referring to creator of the report) and on (referring to the subject).

Example: A report by the telecommunications ministry on the phone network revealed a severe capacity problem.

Definition: Reputation.

Definition: The sharp, loud sound from a gun or explosion.

Definition: An employee whose position in a corporate hierarchy is below that of a particular manager.

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Phonetic: "/ɹɪˈpɔːts/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To relate details of (an event or incident); to recount, describe (something).

Definition: To repeat (something one has heard), to retell; to pass on, convey (a message, information etc.).

Definition: To take oneself (to someone or something) for guidance or support; to appeal.

Definition: To notify someone of (particular intelligence, suspicions, illegality, misconduct etc.); to make notification to relevant authorities; to submit a formal report of.

Example: For insurance reasons, I had to report the theft to the local police station.

Definition: To make a formal statement, especially of complaint, about (someone).

Example: If you do that again I'll report you to the boss.

Definition: To show up or appear at an appointed time; to present oneself.

Definition: To write news reports (for); to cover as a journalist or reporter.

Example: Andrew Marr reports now on more in-fighting at Westminster.

Definition: To be accountable to or subordinate to (someone) in a hierarchy; to receive orders from (someone); to give official updates to (someone who is above oneself in a hierarchy).

Example: Now that I've been promoted, I report to Benjamin, whom I loathe.

Definition: To return or present as the result of an examination or consideration of any matter officially referred.

Example: The committee reported the bill with amendments, or reported a new bill, or reported the results of an inquiry.

Definition: To take minutes of (a speech, the doings of a public body, etc.); to write down from the lips of a speaker.

Definition: To refer.

Definition: To return or repeat, as sound; to echo.

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